1987: On to College, Florida State University Freshman Year. Run Time: 1min, 35 sec. Soundtrack: Fancy People by Stereo Reform. Blog: https://www.technotink.net/truethomas/ video on Magisto
High School in the 1980’s: 1984-1986
A mash-up and collection of photos from my high school days in the 1980’s …. Tommy Baurley, 1984-1986 at Goddard High School, Roswell, New Mexico class of 1986.
03.29.75: Family
Postcard from Thomas’ brother Bill to his Mom and Dad dated March 29, 1975:Dear Mom and Dad, well im back on this ungodly barge which is a nightmare after being through some nice country. Never […]
09.28.88: Life, Family, Oregon
Tom’s sister Mona wrote his mom (Patricia) from Oregon stating “Made it to Eugene, oregon – heading south on the coast highway. Love you, Mona” date Sept 28 ,1988.
08.01.91: Family
A picture of my niece Leah Baurley (Gypsy Lee) from August 1991, in New Mexico, photographed by my mother: Patricia Baurley: