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Peppermint Leaf, 1 oz


Peppermint Leaf, 1 oz

organic, sourced from Frontier herb Cooperative. 

16 in stock


Peppermint Leaf, 1 oz

Mentha x piperita

Our Peppermint is sourced in the United States via growing in our own garden, wildcrafted along the Columbia River, or usually from Frontier Co-op as an organic herb in our Apothecary. The Peppermint leaf is a very aromatic, minty plant that is used often for tea and as an ingredient to many body care products. 

Magically it is a Masculine plant associated with the planet Mercury and the element of Fire as well as the Deity Pluto.  It is known for purification, sleep, love, healing, and psychic powers. It is the main ingredient to healing and purification spells. Its presence raises the vibrations of an area, it can lure one to sleep when smelled crushed and can give prophetic dreams if added to one’s pillow. Mythologically it is rubbed against furniture, walks, and floorboards to cleanse them of evil and negativity. It is said by Pliny it excites love so can be added to love spells. 

keywords: herbs, apothecary, teas, peppermint, peppermint leaf, mints, mentha x piperita, Columbia river, frontier herb, mint, masculine plant, planet mercury, element fire, deity pluto, purification, sleep, love, healing, psychic powers, sleep, cleanse evil, cleanse negativity, love spells

Additional information

Weight 1.1 oz
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 1 in

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