Weaving Adventure, Imagination, and Magic into your presence in print, web, and media ....
Web Site Speeds

Web Site Speeds

Many factors can affect the speed of your web site. These include too many graphics, video, media, files, content, or databases. Also the number of visitors to your web site can affect the bandwidth drain.

Image optimization, minimizing number of graphics and videos presented on a page, and organized content can help speed the delivery of your content.

A new website developed to test if your site is fast or slow is:

Fast or Slow: https://www.fastorslow.com/

Need help with optimizing your web site? Contact us today for an estimate.

Techno Tink Media

Techno Tink Media, Inc. is a design source for graphic design, web development, and media presentation in print, digital, and internet formats. We are also a photography business, arts, crafts, and design service manifesting your image to represent you. For more information, contact us at [email protected]. http://www.technotink.net.
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