We’re excited about the upcoming works of Captain Leaf McGowan. Innovator and creator of Pirate Relief, our brave explorer will be exciting us into awe as he tells the tales of his many outrageous journeys across this planet of ours. Obsessed with folklore, faerie lore, mythology, and folk tales – he brings to light a world within worlds as he embraces two astounding great works we hope to find him a publisher this coming year. If you are unfamiliar with our globetrotter, you can read his “Living Myth” stories and explorations at technogypsie.net’s Reviews and Chronicles. One of our fabulous tour guides, travel reviewers, and sociable hosts … Captain Leaf McGowan is bound to take you on a journey you’ll never forget.
The two main works he has plans to publish in the coming year are:
Faeids: The Fall and Rise of the Faerie Folk, from Ancient Times to Present Day
An exploration not only into the myths and legends of faeries, elves, selchies, dryads, mermaids, and trolls; but a historical overview of these mythological races that live not only in the hearts and minds of many of the Celtic nations, but in the urban streets of the modern world’s woods, prairies, beaches, and concrete jungles.
The Druid’s Egg
An exploration into the fascinating history of the Irish Snakes … The Druid’s and how they never were conquered by Julius Caesar and St. Patrick. As the “Druid’s Egg” is hatching, a new era in the rays of the sun and moon becomes released from past to present day.